
Accommodations & Services for Students with Disabilities

VAN 128A

845-687-5121 (Disability Services Coordinator)

845-688-6052 (Fax)


SUNY Ulster’s faculty and staff are aware of the needs of those with disabilities. Students who plan to request academic accommodations should visit or call Disability Services. The College will assist eligible students with the process of acquiring testing and classroom accommodations. Students will need to provide disability documentation and should request these services early, so the College can make the necessary arrangements. Disability documentation should be submitted to the Disability Services Coordinator.

The Testing Center in HAS 101 provides proctoring for students with approved testing accommodations by request.All of the classrooms on the Stone Ridge campus are wheelchair accessible. Elevators throughout the campus offer students access to all levels of the campus. Many of the restrooms are designed to accommodate those with disabilities. Parking lots offer accessible parking spaces.Campus parking stickers for students with disabilities are issued by Campus Public Safety located in Hasbrouck Hall (first floor).

The College is in communication and works with outside agencies such as Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), the Mental Health Association in Ulster County, and Ulster County Mental Health, Resource Center for Accessible Living (RCAL), The Ulster County Transition Council, and many local high schools.Furthermore, students with disabilities can participate in Student Support Services, a federally funded TRIO grant program that provides academic, career, transfer, and financial aid counseling.  






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