
Impaired Driver Program

DDP 1601

Credits: 0

The Impaired Driver Program (IDP) (previously known as Drinking Driving Program or DDP) seeks to reduce impaired driving traffic offenses, to reduce the incidence of injuries and fatalities from impaired driving crashes, and to improve highway safety. According to the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research, participation in the program has proven to reduce the rate of DWI recidivism. Eligibility and program entry can be established only through the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles following a DWI/DWAI conviction. Upon enrollment, most participants are granted conditional driving privileges. Full driving privileges may be restored upon completion of program requirements.

We currently offer the following 1 classes in this course:

Impaired Driver Program

Section: DDP1601 02

CRN: 67105

Type: Lecture

Instructor: Todd A. Schmidt

Term: Non-Credit

Fees: Tuition for CF Non FTE Course $233

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Class Schedule

Dates: 2024-06-03 - 2024-07-15
Days: M
Time: 04:00 pm - 07:30 pm
Location: SRC





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