What is TRIO?
TRIO is a unique student support program helping eligible students succeed. Through
ongoing contact throughout the student’s time at SUNY Ulster, TRIO provides academic
and transfer planning and guidance as well as help in course selection, completing
the FAFSA and scholarship applications, study skills support, resume building, interview
skill development and more.
Vanderlyn Hall (VAN 101)
To participate in TRIO Student Support Services a student must meet the federal guidelines for eligibility which includes any one of the following:
- Low income
- First generation (neither parent holds a bachelor's degree)
- Documented disability
TRIO provides support in the following areas:
- Academic
- Personal Financial
- Transfer & Career counseling
TRIO scholarships are available to TRIO participants who complete the scholarship application, attend their advisor meetings and meet federal requirements for elibibility. TRIO advisors work with students throughout the process of transferring to a four-year college/university, from identifying colleges to applying for admission, scholarships, and financial aid.
TRIO also:
- Organizes college trips to area four-year colleges and campus tours
- Provides tutoring and study skills assistance and referrals
- Provides workshops for study skill development, test taking strategies, stress management, and cultural outings
How to Apply
Interested students must complete an application to assure they meet the federal eligibility requirements. To apply for the TRIO program students should visit the office, email or submit the TRIO application through the online link.
The TRIO program is fully funded by a U.S. Department of Education grant.