Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced manufacturing is the use of innovative technologies and methodologies for improved competitiveness in the manufacturing sectors. The aim of advanced manufacturing is to enhance output; create quality valued added products that respond to market need; reduce the time to market with improved materials while controlling inventory. Courses include those that teach new technologies such as 3D printing as well as foundational courses such as Fundamentals of Metrology Concepts. Courses under this section can be stacked into microcredentials, certificates or degrees. There are many local companies looking to employ people with these skills.
Course Offerings
Basic Lathe Operator
This beginner-level course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe operations. Students will learn fundamental concepts of CNC machining, including tool selection, setup, and programming. Through hands-on training and interactive sessions, participants will gain proficiency in operating CNC lathes, interpreting blueprints, and executing machining tasks with precision. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to confidently operate CNC lathes and contribute effectively to manufacturing processes.
Register DCB 2445 CRN 30014 S 2/22-3/15 9am-12pm $599 SRC
Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Certification
The Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) is an industry certification focused on basic manufacturing concepts, demonstrating an individual's potential for high-demand, entry-level manufacturing roles. It was designed for individuals new to manufacturing who may not currently possess enough knowledge or experience for more advanced technical certifications. Students will work on online modules independently and then attend optional labs with the instructor on: 10/11, 11/1 and 11/22 from 2:30-4:30pm at the Kingston Center. The certificate exam is scheduled by appointment.
DCB 2403 CRN 60012 4/28-6/27 Hybrid $599
4/28-6/27 Online Modules
5/16, 6/6, 6/27 2:30-4:30pm Optional In-person labs at KSU
CNC Programmer
This course will enable CNC students to apply for entry level CNC Programming positions. This course covers the fundamentals of machining metals starting with manual mill and lathe and advancing towards a three axis mill and lathe. Using CNC Programming and an online CNC Learning System students will be introduced to the fundamentals of set-up and operation of mills and lathes (Haas Toolroom Mill and Lathe). A hands-on practical demonstration of skills learned is required. Required texbook: CNC Programming Workbook ISBN: 9781897466889, must be purchased by the student.
Register DCB 2213 CRN 60016 R 1/30-5/22 6-9pm KSU $808
No class on 3/20
Haas Foundation Scholarships available to students in need. To learn how to apply, visit our Scholarship page.
Electrical Theory Basics
This electricity fundamentals course is geared towards those looking to understand electricity as it relates to a manufacturing or construction career. Topics covered will include basic electrical principles, Ohm's Law, Watt's Law, power, energy, series & parallel circuits, and electrical safety. This course includes a lab component.
Register DCB 1947 CRN 30010 T 1/28-2/25 6-9pm $250 KSU
No class on 3/18
Fundamental Concepts of Metrology
This course teaches students to interpret the symbols and measurements that appear on technical drawings, necessary for machine operators, supervisors, inspectors, and other manufacturing personnel. Hands-on exercises, sketching, and group projects will be included in lessons. Topics covered: line types, basic symbols, basic multi-views, dimensions, tolerances, auxiliary views, assembly drawings, threads and fasteners, ANSI symbols, finishes, and sectional views. This course also covers basic measurement and math concepts required in a manufacturing environment. The application of fractions, decimals, metric and standard units, and algebra will be the initial focus, using industry-specific examples to develop students’ mechanical problem solving skills. Basic geometry and trigonometry for calculating unknown dimensions, angles, areas, weights, and volumes will be covered. The course will incorporate work readiness and teamwork skill training. Required texbook (must be purchased by the student): Print Reading for Industry (ISBN 978-1645646723).
Register DCB 2342 CRN 60015 W 1/29-5/21 6-9pm KSU $808
No class on 3/19
Fundamentals of Electricity
This electricity fundamentals course is geared towards those looking to understand electricity as it relates to a manufacturing or construction career. Topics covered will include basic electrical principles, Ohms Law, Watts Law, power, energy, series & parallel circuits, ampacity, wire sizing, magnetism, alternating current, capacitors, inductors, 3-phase power, motors, troubleshooting, and electrical safety. This course includes a lab component. This course is the non-credit version of MFG 102. Required textbook: Amatrol - eLearning Library Subscription Amatrol Main Library - 4 Months, Entire Library, 1 Person - SKU : 206-LSUB4 must be purchased by the student.
Register DCB 2182 CRN 60011 T 1/28-5/20 6-9pm $808 KSU
No class on 3/18
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)
Many design and manufacturing companies are following Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) for their production purposes, to save costs and ensure quality of products. This course will enable students to understand the GD&T system of defining and communicating explicit geometries and allowable variation (tolerances) through symbolic language on blueprints and other engineering drawings. This course is based upon ASME Y14.5-2009. This course is designed for students who already have knowledge of engineering drawings. Prerequisite: MFG109 OR DCB2182 Fundamental Concepts of Metrology. Required textbook: Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing ISBN: 9781111129828, must be purchased by the student.
Register DCB 2259 CRN 60010 M 1/27-5/22 6-9pm $808 KSU
No class on 2/17 & 3/17
Intro to Fit Analysis
This course introduces students to fitting tops, dresses, skirts, pants, and basic jackets on live, professional industry models. Proportions and balance are analyzed, adjustments, and corrections are made on the production pattern. Attendees will develop the ability to communicate clearly with contractors and factories for better measurements and written specifications on first run patterns, sample making, and mass productions. Required textbook: Complete Photo Guide to Perfect Fitting ISBN: 9781589236080, must be purchased by student.
DCB 3132_01 CRN 60021 M 1/27-5/19 1-4pm SRC $686
No class on 2/17 & 3/17
DCB 3132_02 CRN 60022 S 2/1-5/17 1-4pm SRC $686
No class on 3/22
Scholarships may be available for this course. Please complete this online application if you are interested in applying.
Intro to Patternmaking
This course focuses on the development of basic body slopers for the bodice, sleeve, and skirt by hand and with computer software. Attendees will learn the importance of fit and balance in creating production patterns. Class time will consist of learning the technical fundamentals of garment design from technical sketches. Sloper manipulation is also introduced to further develop a variety of different silhouettes.
DCB 3131_01 CRN 60019 M 1/27-5/19 9am-12pm SRC $686
Required textbook: Techniques for Beginners ISBN: 9781786271969 must be purchased
by the student.
No class on 2/17 & 3/17
DCB 3131_02 CRN 60020 S 2/1-5/17 9am-12pm SRC $686
Required textbook: Principles of Flat Pattern Design ISBN: 9781563678516 must be purchased
by the student.
No class on 3/22
Scholarships may be available for this course. Please complete this online application if you are interested in applying.
STEM Math with Tutoring: Pre-Apprentice
Interested in a manufacturing career but don't have the math prerequisite yet? Join us for this course as we provide tutoring to help you achieve your goals.
If you're interested in applying for this program, please complete our Pre-Apprentice Application.