Accommodations and Services for Students with Disabilities

Services for students with disabilities are coordinated through Student Support Services, located in 101 Vanderlyn Hall (VAN 101).

SUNY Ulster's faculty and staff are understanding and responsive to the needs of students with disabilities. The College's commitment to serving its students is stated in its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy, which appears in the Student Handbook, a publication distributed to all students.

All buildings and classrooms on the Stone Ridge campus are wheelchair accessible. An elevator is available in the library and library staff will retrieve materials from the mezzanine for students unable to access that area. Four elevators, located throughout the campus, offer students access to all other levels of the campus. Restrooms designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities are located in each building throughout the campus. Parking lots offer preferred parking spaces for vehicles displaying the symbol for the disabled. Campus parking stickers for students with disabilities are issued by Campus Security located in the Hasbrouck Building (HAS 106).

Students needing classroom and testing accommodations are encouraged to request these services before the start of the academic semester, so that the necessary arrangements can be made in a timely manner. The College works cooperatively with such outside agencies as Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), the Mental Health Association of Ulster County, Ulster County Mental Health, and the New York Department of Labor to provide an accessible learning environment for its student population.

101 Vanderlyn Hall (VAN 101) 
845-688-6054, 800-724-0833, x 6054





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