General Education

33-35 Credit Certificate Program

May be completed Online or On Campus


Hegis Code: 5649.00 Admissions: 1-800-724-0833
ext. 5018 or 5022
NYSED Code: 29256

Program Description
The General Education certificate program allows a student who is undecided about his or her eventual degree program or transfer campus to complete all the required State University of New York courses in General Education. This program will satisfy the liberal arts core of an A.A. or A.S. degree and facilitate transfer to any four-year SUNY institution.

Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the General Education Certificate  program, a student will be able to

  • Attest to the completion of all ten SUNY General Education requirements and facilitate transfer within the SUNY System;
  • Employ quantitative methods to solve problems, interpret and draw inferences and recognize the limits of mathematical models;
  • Understand and apply the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena;
  • Understand and apply the methods social scientists use to explore social phenomena;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a basic narrative of American history and common institutions in American society and an understanding of America’s evolving relationship with the rest of the world;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the development of the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc., of Western civilization; and relate the development of Western civilization to that of other regions of the world;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of either a broad outline of world history, or the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc., of one non-Western civilization;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the conventions and methods of at least one of the humanities in addition to those encompassed by other knowledge areas required by the General Education program;
  • Understand at least one principal form of artistic expression and the creative process inherent therein;
  • Demonstrate basic proficiency in the understanding and use of a foreign language; and Knowledge of the distinctive features of culture;
  • Produce revise and improve coherent texts and oral discourse, and apply to subject research;
  • Develop, Identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments as they occur in their own or other’s work;
  • Understand and use basic computer information for research for use in research.

Requirements for Program Entry

  • High School diploma or equivalent
  • Satisfactory placement in Entering Student Assessment

Gainful Employment Disclosure

Developmental Assistance Available
For students who do not meet basic reading and math requirements, or who have other learning issues, extra assistance is readily available through SUNY Ulster's Learning Center, Patrik Math Center, the Writing Center, the Peer and Friend Tutor Program, and English as a Second Language (ESL) tutors.

For More Information
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Office: Vanderlyn Hall, VAN 250
Phone: 800:724-0833, ext 5024 or





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